Is Your Ministry Fun?

Me (to new pastor serving a church known for being very difficult):  How’s it going?

New Pastor:  I’m having a blast.

Me: !

This was one of the first times – early in my own ministry – when I realized that it was okay if our ministry is fun.  In fact, it’s recommended.  As a person steeped in the Reformed tradition (Calvinism) reminded to shun ostentation and be happy in those wooden, cushionless pews, this was a revelation.

All ministry has it’s not-so-fun parts: administrivia, fixing toilets, squelching gossip – unless those activities happen to be fun for you.

But I believe God wants our ministry to be fun – and if it’s not fun it could be a sign that changes are needed.  The beauty of holy callings is that what might be a burden to some people  (working with junior high students, preaching, organizing a supply closet) may bring total delight to others.

Here’s how I know I’m called to my current ministry:  I sit in meetings listening to people share what their churches are doing, I have conversations with people seeking new calls who share their visions, I mediate troubled situations with church leaders – and I love this.  Honestly, I can’t believe that I enjoy this as much as I do.  It’s exhausting, frustrating, etc.   But it’s an opportunity to see God work in often impossible situations.

So, off I go to try to do something that makes the reign of God more visible.  Hope you have a fun day too.

Image is from another ministry that was really fun in my previous life.

6 responses to “Is Your Ministry Fun?

  1. Love that you are in a position that you are enjoying! I’m one of the people that absolutely delights in Junior High Ministry – we skipped last Wednesday due to Ashes and I missed them! I’m excited that we have time together today, that’s for sure! 🙂


  2. In recent months the fun has almost disappeared. So I’m retiring for what I believe are the right reasons. An unintended consequence will be another pulpit opening up for a young pastor. I’ll still be preaching for Itty bitty churches that can’t afford to call a pastor.


  3. Glad for you and those with whom you serve, Jan!


  4. Yay!

    Love that picture. Love this post. Love you.


  5. Yes, thank the Maker. A church that is never ever fun is just not worth serving.

    Although ministry in my experience isn’t always fun, and that’s OK. Mourning and sorrow and being present for a soul in the depth of brokenness isn’t “fun.” And paperwork isn’t particularly “fun,” neither. But though it’s not fun, it tends to be “meaningful” or “satisfying to get done.”

    I’m glad you’re feeling blessed in your new ministry!


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