And Speaking of Call . . .

I read this article yesterday and can’t get it out of my mind.  

Really.  Abdellah Taïa has been on my mind in the same way that I was haunted by Hassan in The Kite Runner – only Abdellah’s story is not fiction.

This is how God’s call works.  When we can’t let something go that stirs us, troubles us – this is how God tells us to serve in a new way.

Abdellah Taïa grew up as a Muslim in Morocco – a child who was different.  He was gay in a culture where even your family would not protect you, where nobody would dare save you from violent, ignorant men who came to your house in the night.  As I read his article in the NY Times, all I could think about was that – if only Christians were there –  he would be saved.  This is what we believe as followers of Jesus.  Or at least this is what I believe Jesus taught us.

Sadly, 91% of young non-Christians and 80% of young churchgoers say that Christianity is “anti-homosexual” according to a 2007 Barna study.  Where do they get this perception?  They get it everywhere.

There are many of my brothers and sisters in Christ who would condemn Abdellah exactly like his Muslim community.   And this makes me crazy – that people who share the name of Jesus with me come to this conclusion either because of their interpretation of Scripture or “what they’ve heard” Jesus says about homosexuality.

So here is my new calling (and note that 1- calls change seasonally and 2- we can have more than one call at a time):  I want people like Abdellah and his family and friends in Salé, Morocco and all those who believe that God hates GBLTQ people to be saved from that heresy.  I have believed condemning GBLTQ people is a heresy for a while now – frankly after some wrestling with God.  But perhaps God is calling me to do more.

What situation is gnawing at you that God might be calling you to help make on earth as it is in heaven?

Image is the cover of Abdellah Taïa’s book Salvation Army.  When Abdellah left Morocco in 1998, he stayed at the Salvation Army hotel in Paris and found angels there.  Also, do yourself a favor and watch this.

One response to “And Speaking of Call . . .

  1. I feel like God is calling me to help the oppressed. I’m just not sure how and am waiting for clarification. There are so many different types of people who could be considered oppressed that I’m not sure who or how I’m supposed to help. I just can’t shake the feeling that there’s something more I’m supposed to be doing.

    This post was so touching. I can’t think about it without getting teary-eyed.


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