Summer Love Bomb Ideas

popsicles[NOTE:  due to the sad events in OK yesterday, it feels too lighthearted to be writing about popsicles and summer.  But tragedy always reminds us that we need to care for and laugh with each other every chance we get.  Text PDA to 20222 to donate $10 to support disaster response where needed most, through the Presbyterian Church USA.]  And now today’s post:

In the spirit of yesterday’s post, I was thinking about ideas for love bombing unsuspecting neighbors this summer.  What if we loved people randomly this summer with simple offerings of care and refreshment?  It’s time to make some plans!

Here are some of my favorite summer love bomb ideas:

  • Take popsicles to a park on the hottest day of the summer and hand them out to the neighborhood kids.
  • Serve ice cold bottles of water on a busy sidewalk at the end of a work day in your city/town.
  • Pick a laundromat in the area – preferably in a place with fairly beaten up washers and dryers- and pay for everybody’s laundry that afternoon.  Bring cookies and lemonade.  Hang out together. [Note:  idea comes from this congregation.]

The point of these activities is not to get new members or promote your church or target the neighbors.  It’s just about loving people in simple, fun ways.

Mark your calendars.

What love bomb ideas do you have?

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