This I Believe: Jesus Drew a Wide Circle

Jesus said, “He that is without sin, cast the first stone.” And then he knelt and drew or wrote in the dirt. When he stood, all of the accusers had gone and Jesus asked the woman if any of them had condemned her. She said none of them had condemned her. Jesus then said, “Nor do I condemn you,” and “go and sin no more.”  John 7:53 – 8:11

Today there will be Gay Pride Parades throughout many cities.  Some of my sisters and brothers in Christ will be horrified.  Some will be inspired.

Some of us imagine Jesus drew a line in the sand when confronted with the woman caught in adultery and the people who believed the faithful thing to do was to stone her, for the love of God.  Some of us imagine he drew a wide circle.  The truth is that we don’t know what Jesus drew in the dirt.  But I choose to believe that grace abounds for all of us.

Happy Pride Day, everybody.  Peace be with you.

Note: This is my new favorite anthem – new to me, but written in 2008.  Words by Gordon Light.  Music by Mark A. Miller

One response to “This I Believe: Jesus Drew a Wide Circle

  1. Yes, Mark Miller is an amazing musician whose music I dearly love. “Draw the Circle Wide” is one of my favorites as well.


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