A Life Well-Loved

In the past 72 hours . . . Aimee Wallis Buchanan

  • Two recent seminary grads (one of whom is my first cousin once removed) married each other in a joyous ceremony.
  • Someone I love was diagnosed with leukemia.
  • Someone I love started chemo for lung cancer.
  • We remembered the anniversary of my Dad’s death 23 years ago.
  • We celebrated the 30th anniversary of the ordination of one of my dearest friends.

And  – today –  I would like to tell you about a CD of music created to celebrate the life of a special human being who died several months ago at the age of 44.

There is nothing good I can say about the death of Aimee Buchanan.  I met her exactly one time years ago, but her death is something I’ve thought about many, many times since her passing in February.  Nobody –  in the prime of a life engaged in so much good, who is beloved by her spouse, her children, her parents, and hundreds of friends – should die.  Or so we fervently believe.  It’s not just right.

And yet, here we are.

Life is full of darkness and light, bitter losses and glorious dawns.  The twelve tracks on this album are, frankly, perfect for a good cry, with moments of soaring joy.  For $10 you can not only hear them all in their entirety, but you will also be supporting the work of the Asheville Youth Mission.

There are too many people in the world in need of comfort and support and healing.  Too many people don’t even know what love looks like.  Aimee’s life has inspired many of us to be better people.  And you can help in a small way here.

Photo of the Rev. Aimee Wallis Buchanan (April 12, 1968  – February 4, 2013.)

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