Not What I’d Planned

I wrote a different post for today, but it will wait.*

Our FBC teaches high school in Alexandria, Virginia and one of his students was stabbled to death yesterday during the lunch period. But nobody will remember this tragedy because of what happened in Texas on the same day. I have nothing else to say.

*There was a typo when this was initially published. I’d typed “wail” instead of “wait.” It was probably more true with “wail.”

9 responses to “Not What I’d Planned

  1. nancyswiatekpardo

    Jesus God Lord have mercy…


  2. Elizabeth Morton

    And both incidents are unspeakably tragic. And Real. And surreal. I’m numb.


  3. Sally Herlong

    God bless your FBC. God bless you. Lord have mercy on us all.


  4. Oh, Jan…I will remember the tragedy that happened in FBC’s classroom because you shared it.

    And your first line…the post will wail. This post indeed does, with deep anguish that resonates.

    Praying and acting again today to support changes to gun laws.


    Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device Get Outlook for Android ________________________________


  5. Patricia Brannon

    The violence, hatred and anger is all too much. We MUST act NOW.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Anger is shouting. Hatred is shouting. Pain is shouting. It’s time for love to stop whispering. (borrowed)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Jan – My heart aches for you, for your family, for the student killed and his classmates and family, for teachers everywhere who love their kids, for anyone who loses a loved one to senseless killing, and for those who love the killers and wonder how they came to that place… and it’s time for “discretionary outrage!” to turn into action. Even I will start writing to politicians and doing whatever else I can.

    Thank you for sharing your heart-felt, faith-filled wisdom and encouragement to act.

    *– Linda L. Long* *Calls & texts (219) 707-2091*


  8. I will remember, and in remembering I’ll also remember all the other acts of violence against our children that never grab national headlines. It’s too much–for children, for parents, for teachers, for parents of teachers. You are loved.


  9. Beverly S. Bailey

    I am wailing for all the children who have lost their lives through unnecessary violence. My cousin’s son was killed at Columbine, and I have been wailing every since…..


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